

DAGE 4000HS high Speed Bondtester






The Nordson DAGE 4000HS bondtester is based upon the industry standard Nordson DAGE 4000 multi-purpose bondtester platform. The 4000HS has significant differences to the mode of operation for both shear and pull modes with speeds up to 4m/sec for shear and 1.3m/s for pull. The 4000HS bondtester also offers advanced analysis options, specifically force versus displacement graphs and energy measurements in addition to the conventional peak force measurement.

The Nordson DAGE 4000HS bondtester provides high speed bondtesting for the assessment of failure mode rather than measurement of failure force.

Key Features:

? Up to 4M/Sec Shear with automatic software controlled “retraction distance”;

? Up to 1.3M/Sec Cold Bump Pull.

? Up to 600MM/Sec Zone Shear up to 80KG (to be confirmed);

? Ultra high band width force measurement transducers (patent pending);

? Dage patented frictionless air bearing ball shear technology;

? CBP Testing using industry standard patented jaw technology;

? Built in automatic safety guards using interlocks (CE and UL compliant).Complete with home position load/unload;

? Test results selectable in Force/Grams or Energy/Joules;

? Optional F vs D curves, test velocity, test distance or test time reports;

? Single adjust optics mounting, keeping the region of interest in focus when changing the operator eyeline;

? Servo drive power control while under load (motor/encoder positional control withclose loop calculation);

? Up to 4M/Sec Shear with automatic software controlled “retraction distance”;

? Up to 1.3M/Sec Cold Bump Pull;

? Up to 600MM/Sec Zone Shear up to 80KG (to be confirmed);

? Ultra high band width force measurement transducers (patent pending);

? Dage patented frictionless air bearing ball shear technology;

? CBP Testing using industry standard patented jaw technology;

? Built in automatic safety guards using interlocks (CE and UL compliant).Complete with home position load/unload;

? Test results selectable in Force/Grams or Energy/Joules;

? Optional F vs D curves, test velocity, test distance or test time reports;

? Single adjust optics mounting, keeping the region of interest in focus when changing the operator eyeline;

? Servo drive power control while under load (motor/encoder positional control withclose loop calculation).


Machine Footprint: D: 850mm W: 1100mm H: 670mm

Weight: 100kg

Power Supply: Switchable 100/110v , 220/240v AC 50/60 Hz

International Certification: JEDEC; JEITA; European CE Regulations; Safety Directive…